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Аннотация к книге: Yoko Ono: Everything in the Universe Is Unfinished

This new publication by avant-garde artist and cultural icon Yoko Ono (born 1933) combines never before published texts and invitation pieces written in 2016-18 with drawings from the Franklin Summer series Ono started in 1994.
For Ono, words, artworks and books still have the power to change the world we live in for the better. Thus she continuously shares with us her vision and philosophy toward life one that is made of pivotal experiences, unstoppable optimism and a love for the other. Coming after several volumes that have proved to be life companions for many, Everything in the Universe Is Unfinished reflects on her most recent feelings through a delicate interweaving of poems, aphorisms, short stories and drawings.
Born in Tokyo in 1933, Yoko Ono moved to New York in the mid-1950s, where she quickly became a critical link between the American and Japanese avant-gardes, participating in Fluxus and pioneering new idioms in performance and art. Ono's groundbreaking work greatly influenced the international development of conceptual art, performance art and experimental film and music.

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Yoko Ono: Everything in the Universe Is Unfinished

  • Производитель: JRC
  • Модель: MYSH4805495
  • ISBN: 9783037645420
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии
  • 36.76€ 26.84€
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