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Аннотация к книге: The Way We Live Now

Trollope's magnificent and prescient satire about a dishonest financier who buys his way into a corrupt society, and throws it into turmoil.
When the Melmottes arrive in London everyone agrees their manners are wanting, their taste is excerable and their lineage and background decidedly shadowy. But their money is far from revolting, and city society quickly makes allowances for the mysterious financier and his family. Soon hearts, minds and family savings are swept into the whirl of Augustus Melmotte's lavish parties and exciting investment plans - but is it all an elaborate swindle?

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The Way We Live Now

  • Модель: MYSH4923746
  • ISBN: 9780099528661
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии
  • 59.72€ 43.60€
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