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Аннотация к книге: The Science of Storytelling. Why Stories Make Us Human, and How to Tell Them Better

Why stories make us human and how to tell them better.
There have been many attempts to understand what makes a good story - but few have used a scientific approach.
In this incisive, thought-provoking book, award-winning writer Will Storr demonstrates how master storytellers manipulate and compel us.
Applying dazzling psychological research and cutting-edge neuroscience to the foundations of our myths and archetypes, he shows how we can use these tools to tell better stories - and make sense of our chaotic modern world.

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The Science of Storytelling. Why Stories Make Us Human, and How to Tell Them Better

  • Модель: MYSH4913495
  • ISBN: 9780008276973
  • Наличие: