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Аннотация к книге: Running's Strangest Tales

Running's Strangest Tales is a fascinating collection of weird and wonderful stories from the world of running, from the earliest marathon to today's high-tech, apped-up approach.
Within these pages you'll find the bizarre story of the Norwegian footballer forced to miss a crucial World Cup qualifier after colliding with a moose on his morning jog, the American ultra-marathoner who had all his toenails removed to improve his running, and why some runners at the 2015 Tokyo marathon were wearing GPS-enabled, edible bananas, complete with LEDs and incoming Twitter updates.
Packed with tales that are so odd you'll hardly believe them, this book makes the perfect gift for all running enthusiasts, from the seasoned marathoner to the park jogger, and those who only ever run a bath.

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Running's Strangest Tales

  • Модель: MYSH4916313
  • ISBN: 9781910232927
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии
  • 33.24€ 27.59€
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