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Аннотация к книге: Kalevala

Kalevala is the poetic name for Finland: 'the land of heroes'. Here you'll find the cultural essence of a young country but an old land, the stories, songs and poems that recount the mythical adventures of humankind. Ambition, lust, romance, birth and death can all be found within its pages, as well as the sampo, a mysterious talisman that brings great happiness to its possessor and over which great battles will be fought.

Бесплатная Доставка по Европе (EU)*

*Для заказов свыше 40, - евро Подробнее


  • Модель: MYSH4923406
  • ISBN: 9781784873042
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии
  • 63.96€ 46.69€
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