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Аннотация к книге: Art Escapes. Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museum

Art exists all around us: one just needs to know where to look. Escaping the conventional settings of the museum or gallery, a fascinating variety of art pieces exist everywhere from Ghanaian patios to the Las Vegas desert, from the forest in Scandinavia to the buzzing streets of Mexico City. Art Escapes is a thoughtful journey through these little-known gems that become a destination in themselves, and should be part of every art-lover bucket list. Away from the queues, the crowds, and the constraints of the classic art spaces, these places invite you to discover creativity in a new light.

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Art Escapes. Hidden Art Experiences Outside the Museum

  • Модель: MYSH4942706
  • ISBN: 9783967040524
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии
  • 103.14€
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